Well today was the day for the Cranberry Sauce. I make it every year and it is the most easy thing to make and a million gazillion times better than anything out of a jar from the supermarket.
The smell is everything you know and love about Christmas - sugar and cinnamon and orange and cloves. Everyone has to stick their head in for a intake of Christmas joy!
All hail to Delia Smith for this 'Christmas in a Pan' recipe. You don't even need the Port (I never add it).
Every year there are things that I make such as this and my braised red cabbage, and there's always a part of me that doesn't want to do it at first. I mean, I want it, but I don't want to make it. There is always so much else to do. But then something magical always happens, just like birds flying south for the winter, something overcomes me, a primal urge to have to make it and then it just - happens!
Thank goodness.