She has arrived at last. I feel a little bit behind with the tree this year. Mysteriously three of our fake trees have gone missing (we had six in all - is that excessive?). Obviously I have stored them away somewhere safe, probably never to be found again and one day when I am 92 it will occur to me where I put them.
So here instead is, the most beautiful real tree, all chubby and pine needly and smelling of Christmas. It is a Norway Spruce, the kind you used to have in the 1970s that drops all its pine needles. I love this kind. I know you can get the new fangled fir trees that keep their needles and all that jazz, but to me there's nothing like that smell of the forest and on Christmas morning, lifting your presents from under the tree and having to brush away the needles before you open them! It is also the same kind of tree that Norway give us as a gift for Trafalgar Square every year. Obviously mine is a little smaller! But I love the story of this tree which you can read if you click on the link. The tree is selected sometimes years in advance and is known as 'The Queen of the Forest'. So beautiful.
Ron is obviously not allowed unsupervised contact with the tree although he has already sneeked in there unattended only to be discovered with his ample furry tummy covered in pine needles. Needle surfing I'm guessing - that cat will try anything!
These are my beautiful angels which I bought at the Bath Christmas Market several years ago now. I'm having a little thing about fairies and angels at the moment which is why in a break from tradition I have decided to abandon the usual star at the top of our tree. We always have a star and I love a star but this year I am thinking a fairy. So I am making one! Trying at least. She is part way there and I am at that stage where I can see how I want her to look but whether I will achieve it I'm not sure, so it's thrilling and nervewracking at the same time. So for now, until she is complete and takes her position at the top of the tree - here is a frosty snowflake...