This is Beryl.
She is so beautiful. I got her for £2.00 in a Charity Shop and I'm thrilled to bits with her. She is a custard jug. There was another one, slightly bigger, for £2.50 which I didn't get because I only wanted something to keep my felt tips in but I love Beryl so much that I may have to go back and get her big sister.
She makes me happy every time I see her. I think we all remember this set from our childhoods - village halls always seemed to serve their tea in it and would have a full set in their cupboards. When I bought it the lady in the shop said she had a full set of it at home but she doesn't use it any more. The shop was full of wonderful tea sets that were so pretty but which I knew I wouldn't use either. What a shame - what will happen to all this wonderful stuff?
I also got these to add to my growing collection of vintage patterns. I don't know if I'll ever make them but I like to have them. Maybe I will be inspired when the Great British Sewing Bee comes back on (February I think!). I have been looking at sewing some clothing - I would love to make a dress but maybe a skirt would be a better starting point.
I love the fact that the pattern on the left has a picture of a horse and a dog on it as if this outfit is entirely suitable for mucking out the stables in!