The nights are slowly slowly drawing out - I just about see the signs. I am completely ready for this. It has felt like a long winter. I know it's not over yet and we're still due some very cold weather. But that's good because I haven't finished my Alpaca scarf yet (which is quite slow going) and now I don't know if I'll have enough wool and all those other things that happen when you're making things and you're not sure where they are going.
I am reading The Letter for the King which came up on my radar a little while ago but I didn't buy it. I have this thing where I like to put off reading books. I do it particularly with very popular books that everyone is reading and raving about. I deliberately won't buy them because I decide that I am different and I just won't like it and it won't be as good as everyone says. Then years later I will read it and find out it was brilliant and wished I had read it at the time. Anyway, this book wasn't like that. It's been around for ages anyway but I somehow came across it in the bookshop months ago. Then I made myself wait. When it was my birthday I went back into the bookshop and decided that if I were to come across it I would buy it but I could not search it out. Anyway - there it was, just sat on the table and it even had a different cover (this apparently is the Winter Edition?) to when I had first seen it. So I took this as a sign and bought it.
I think The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton is going to be a book I will resist. No, in fact I know I'm doing it already. I saw it a while ago, nearly bought it (it's always the same routine) then resisted it because I knew people would love it and that annoys me. Now people are talking about it and I want to read it (kind of) but at the same time I want to feel I am different and seek out books people have never heard of, little gems that are mind-blowingly wonderful and stay with you for a lifetime.
The thing is nobody knows I am playing this stupid game so I should probably just do myself a favour and buy it.