So, it was my birthday! I had such a lovely day. I wasn't really looking forward to it in the sense that I felt that I had kind of outgrown them. I remember as a child asking my dad what he wanted for his birthday and he said he didn't really mind. I just couldn't understand this! He explained that the older you get the less you are bothered by things like birthdays. I think I might be there.
Having said that I did have a truly lovely day. It began in bed with a hot cross bun and a cup of tea and presents and snuggles. The presents were good, really good but nothing beats a morning snuggle. Nothing.
I got a gorgeous scarf, soft, snuggly and great colours - what more could you ask from a scarf?
This was recently televised on the BBC and I did watch some of the episodes but I am not generally great at keeping up with TV shows! So now I have the book which I am delighted to have. I grew up living near Chester and the Zoo was a regular day out for me. It was also one of the few things you could do for a January birthday as it was open all year round. I remember a monkey throwing some weed out of the moat at me once on my birthday and it stuck on my cardigan!
My friend bought me this - so luxurious! And inside some body lotion and handcream and the most beautiful soap...
Too pretty to use of course!
So, all the fours - forty-four. The year only just begun but already gathering some speed it feels. Where do these days go? I mustn't let them run away with me.