I am so very pleased with my Snowflake Blankink! It took me longer than I thought it would to make it (I was thinking a day!) This is my first crocheted squares blanket so now I realise they take a lot longer than that! And there are still some loose ends to tie in (well most of them actually!)
Subsequently it is a bit smaller than I first wanted but I started to run out of wool and didn't want to get any more of those giant dinosaur egg Aran balls to break into just for a little bit more blanket.
Also I didn't block it because I just couldn't be bothered! I was so pleased to be at the end and want to use it NOW. Subsequently it's a little higgeldy piggeldy or unprofessional or even messy - some might say, but I'm calling it 'charmingly rustic' and 'Granny Chic' and other such positive titles because I love it and I am very proud of it.
Of course now I want one in pink and one in blue - maybe next year...