I realise I am a late comer to the pom pom maker party but at the weekend I purchased the Pompominator 3000 as I am now calling it. Well it was just so much fun! I mean who knew? I remember spending all that time as a child drawing round a glass onto the back of a cereal packet and then trying to cut the hole in the middle which was always tricky because you had to pierce it with a pencil into a piece of plasticine (which we never had), and then the endless winding and threading it through the hole and the whole shebang! But now! Well I am impressed.
This was my first attempt which I think turned out pretty good actually.
And it looks great on my Festive Tea Cosy! I am very proud of this. I kind of just made it up as I went along - having been inspired by this. It was all so enjoyable that I had to make another ...
I never ever owned a tea cosy before and now I have 2!