I love Bonfire night.
This year we had the added pleasure of at last releasing our lanterns which have been gathering dust on top of the wardrobe for the past couple of years. This is of course no surprise when you read the instructions which I can only imagine are to deter you from ever lighting one and warn you that if you do there will almost certainly follow some hideous amount of destruction which of course will be all your fault. So they went on top of the wardrobe for fear that yes we did live near a road and quite a few trees and certainly there are sometimes aircraft nearby and would you believe it there is also wind, such a lot of wind.
But it was time for the lantern to fulfil its destiny and take flight on a slightly breezy and oh so chilly starry night.
And it was magical. We all stood and watched in utter awe and amazement at this balloon of light take off into the darkness. We didn't speak a word as it went higher and higher until it just looked like another star in the sky except more golden and more twinkly.
I am pleased to say there were no incidents to report.