Ah. . . what lucious lanterns of Yuletide loveliness. Yes the countdown has begun, mainly in my head but often it will spill out into the everyday world where it is greeted with groans of "don't get too excited, remember what happened last year!". Ah yes, last year I woke at 5am with an excitement headache and in my early morning stupor took some Nurofen on an empty stomach which resulted in my having to have a lie down for an hour at about 11am. The day itself was all a bit of a blur and the 5am start had been totally unecessary also, as after lighting the fire and doing a bit of 'tweaking' I more or less sat there for 3 hours until the children awoke.
This year will be different.
We're going to be having a visitor for the whole of December and I'm really looking forward to him coming. I've recently spent some time with my dearest friend who was lucky enough to receive a similar visit last December. On hearing of her happiness which lasted the whole month long I have put in a request to the 'big man' and I can reveal that our visitor will be arriving on December 1st. And that is all I can say about it for now. In theory it should have the result of stringing out my excitement and being able to channel it into the whole of the season rather than having to restrain myself and end up with the inevitable messy explosion on the 25th.