We took a very cold Sunday trip to Lacock Abbey, a National Trust property near Chippenham.
There were loads of Snowdrops to please me - real and otherwise. They had a series of outdoor sculptures which was entitled "Frozen World". When I saw the sign for this I imagined they were going to be ice sculptures and as we walked around I kept waiting to see something made of ice - clearly I hadn't read the signs properly.
Lacock Abbey was once the home of William Henry Fox Talbot who contributed significantly to the invention of photography. I did manage to drop my camera when I was there which I sort of knew I was going to do as my hands were freezing and I did think how strange it would be if I broke my camera at the birthplace of photography. Then it just became a self-fulfilling prophecy! Well, except it didn't break thankfully although it did drop onto the hard stone floor.
The Abbey has also been used (like many National Trust properties) as a filming location, most recently for Wolf Hall but also for some of the Harry Potter films. I was pretty sure I was stood in the exact spot where Dobby became a free Elf!
We couldn't stay too long as it was literally freezing but of course there was time for a nice cup of tea and a slab of something amazing in the National Trust tearoom. Ooooh we love a tea room!