Why is it that with girls you can just buy a £1 sheet from a charity shop, come home and turn it into a skirt or some bunting or a hat for bunny and everyone's happy, but boys just don't dig that sort of thing? Inspired by the Made website and the fact there just aren't enough things to make for boys, I started to think of my own boy and offered to make him a Nerf Vest (he wasn't impressed - I think it was a bit like when you wanted a Sooty off the Market for Christmas but your Nana just knit you one instead and it wasn't as good!).
So instead I made him this!
I didn't even know what you called it but I think it's a Quiver? I couldn't find another one to copy so I had to make up my own version. Obviously this was a first go and I made my mistakes but overall it looks pretty good and he was impressed with it for about 2 seconds before he started to make suggestions (I'm being polite - they may have been demands!) that I actually made a wider one so he could carry his cross-bow as well. So it could be back to the drawing board on this one but I was pleased to be able to make him something that was right up his street!